Isnin, 13 Disember 2010


Apa erti kawan ?
Jika tidak suka menolong .
Apa erti kawan ?
Jika asyik bermasam muka .
Apa erti kawan ?
Jika kejujurannya dipertikaikan .
Apa erti kawan ?
Jika tiada rasa sayang .
Apa erti kawan ?
Jika tiada belas kasihan .
Apa erti kawan ?
Jika kebaikan tidak dinilai ...

but they not like that ........

It takes more than caring
To be a real friend
The nature of friendship
Requires a blend
Of warmest compassion
And love deep and true
To reach and to comfort
The way that you do.
Because I can see
That your kind of friendship
Is priceless to me.

Aku sgt sygkn kwn-kwn aku ni...selalu ada ngn aku time senang dan susah..time aku sedih dan gembira..time aku terlebih sihat dan sakit...anytime everywhere ...
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